Thursday 2 April 2015

Media in Education


An overview of the technical aspects:
Using multimodal presentations in the classroom allows for students to have that extra bit of solidifisation when exploring a topic. Images, Videos and Audio are three easily accessed tools that all students and teachers have access to. 
The use of images in the classroom can be done from something that helps demonstrate a topic to something that challanges are creates a critcal thinking environment.
Video's can do used as examples, or even as a tool for students to use to educate others in the class about a certain topic. This is the best used as a teacher tool mainly, to explain topics and engage the students who are profiled as visual learners.
Audio of course is a media tool that they can use anywhere that video or images are unavailable. For instance, on a long car trip, students can listen to class content.
These three media tools are completely customisable. As a teacher means you can add/remove content, create or just simply change the colour schemes. images, Video and Audio can be made to fit each classroom environment and each student.
Though, it is highly important that these are not used as a soul source of information, or by themselves. They should be used to support content.
In terms of the SAMR model when using Video as a key intructional and educational tool in the classroom, which support student out comes.
Redefinition: Using video in the classroom allows for tasks which were once inconcievable come into shape. For instance students could use this technology to enhance their learning when it comes to Health and Physical Education. The students could record a golf swing for example and then have the ability to properly evaluate and critique the movement.
Modification: You can redesign once mundane tasks from creating PowerPoints to creating multimodal presentations. This would increase student engagement because it is something they can change and munipulate to be anything they want.
Augmentation: Digital videos can be a direct tool replacement to using PowerPoint. The videos can include for facates which would benefit the learning outcomes of the students.
Substitution: Creating a video with just images is almost the same as creating a PowerPoint presentation. Further dynamics to the video presentation needs to be included for it to be an ehancement to the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Great point about using the digital tools to support content, Simon! It is a great post and your SAMR model is impressive.
